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Sudan-Restarting Operations at the Sudanese Trademarks Office

This is to advise all our clients and associates that the temporary office of Trademarks Registry in Port Sudan, has started accepting trademarks’ related applications for all purposes namely filing new applications, Renewal applications in addition to applications for recordal of mergers, assignments, changes of names and/or addresses.

As the main office of the Registry in the capital Khartoum, is still inaccessible, the processing of all applications to be filed with the temporary office in addition to all pending trademark matters from before 15/April/2023, shall be deferred until the database in the main office is retrieved.

We further advise that on Thursday 29/February/2024, the Registry promulgated an amended list for the official fees. We are reviewing this new list and we will provide all our clients and associates with the details thereof within short.

Should you have any inquiry or need further details, please do not hesitate in contacting us at:


UAE Boosting Innovation and IP System

The United Arab Emirates has made another significant stride in supporting intellectual property and innovation, following the recent announcement of the new