- Phone: +965 22958640
- Fax: +965 22958644
- P.O.BOX: 2958 Safat, Kuwait 13030
- Address: 8th Floor, Al Safat Center, Abdulaziz Hamed Al Saqer street next to Rakan Tower, Qibla, Kuwait
- Working Hours:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Working Days: Sunday - Thursday
- Email: kuwait@baianatip.com
Contact Person:
Mohammad Al Baik
Contact Us
Country Details
Kuwait is an Arab country located in the Middle East from the southwest of the Asian continent. Its capital is Kuwait, and total area is 17,818 square kilometers. According to the most recent census, Kuwait’s population counts to 4.67 million people. Despite the small size of the State of Kuwait, it possesses huge oil reserves that put it at the forefront of the countries that hold oil reserves. The country has also been able to raise the level of gross domestic product over the past years, steadily and escalating, despite passing through several economic crises.
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
WIPO Convention
Kuwaiti Dinar
New Years Day January 1
National Day February 27
Liberation Day February 28
Al-isra & Al-miraj March 1
Eid Al-fitr May 2 – May 4
Eid Al-adha Al-mubarak July 9 – July 11
Hijri New Year July 30
Prophet Mohammad Birthday October 8
Laws & Useful Links
Services & Requirements
- A Power of Attorney, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- In case of claiming priority, a certified copy of the corresponding home or foreign application.
- Power of Attorney, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate.
- A Power of Attorney executed by the assignee and duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A deed of assignment signed by both parties and legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate. 3. A copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate.
- A Power of Attorney executed in the new name and/or address and duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A Certificate of change of name and/or address duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti consulate.
- A copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate.
- A Power of Attorney duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti consulate
- A merger document duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate.
- A Power of Attorney in the name of applicant, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A Deed of Assignment from the inventor(s), duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate. with the Arabic translation thereof.
- An Extract from the Commercial Register or Certificate of Incorporation, or any equivalent document, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate., with the Arabic translation thereof.
- A certified copy of the corresponding home application; duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate. with the Arabic translation thereof.
- Specification, claims, abstract and formal drawings, if any, in English together with the Arabic translation thereof.
- Filing Particulars of Applicants / inventors, their Addresses & Nationalities
- A Power of Attorney in the name of applicant, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- Specification, claims, abstract and formal drawings, if any, in English together with the Arabic translation thereof.
- Filing Particulars of Applicants / inventors, their Addresses & Nationalities
- A Power of Attorney in the name of applicant, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate.
- A Deed of Assignment from the inventor(s), duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate., with the Arabic translation thereof.
- An Extract from the Commercial Register or Certificate of Incorporation, or any equivalent document, duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate with the Arabic translation thereof.
- A copy of priority document duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate, with the Arabic translation thereof.
- Title and brief description of the Design, together with the copy of drawings.
- A Power of attorney duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate
- A Copy of the Certificate of registration.
- A Power of attorney duly legalized up to the Kuwaiti Consulate
- A Copy of the Certificate of registration.
- A Power of Attorney, simply signed and sealed by the applicant.
- A written request on the letterhead of the applicant requesting us to register the domain name.